mentor - JOHN EVANS


MTech (Food Science) (Hons)
PG Dip Business Admin

After graduating with a Master's degree in Food Science, John has spent over 20 years in the food and beverage industry. During this time, he has been responsible for the development and operations of numerous product launches and manufacturing sites.

John has a unique set of skills that allows him to understand how to take a product from concept through to commercialisation to deliver successful commercial outcomes. 

About Beverage and Food Gurus

John is the Commercial Director at BFGS which delivers customised solutions for the Beverage, Food and Pet Food industries. They provide unparalleled expertise in Product Development, Business Advice/Coaching, Technical, Operations and Strategic areas of your business. As partners with you, no matter how big or small, from start to finish, they understand your needs and deliver the desired results. 

Visit the website for BFGS.